Who cares if you look great if you can’t see great?
A great eye exam begins with you.
Are you staring at a screen? Are you chasing kids? Are you putting pucks in the back of the net? Doing all three?
To see at your best, Dr. Leberer needs to know what you’re looking at all day. This is how he tailors his exam and recommendations to match your vision requirements. It seems obvious. And it is. But not every eye doctor asks about these things.
New for those with chronic dry eyes
You’re probably sick of daily eye drops. They’re a huge hassle, and every time your eyes still feel dry, you have to wonder if they work at all. Instead, ask Dr. Leberer about our brand-new Envision dry eye treatments.
Envision is a drop-free treatment that can alleviate the need for daily eye drops for six months to a year at a time. If you’re tired of watery, burny, stingy red eyes, call us to discuss your options.
There are a lot of lens options. Most aren’t for you.
If Dr. Leberer weren’t so curious and thorough in his exam your lenses wouldn’t be so customized to your eyes and vision needs. So be thankful that he wants to get up close and personal with your eyeballs. Having great vision requires enthusiasm for getting it right.
You only have one set of eyes. Find out early if there’s a problem.
Nobody gets excited about checking the health of their eyes. But everybody who discovers they have an eye disease is surprised to find out. The sooner you know, the better your chances of correcting irreversible damage.
Dr. Leberer’s exams not only tailor your lenses to your vision needs, but also ensure your eyes are healthy. Our state of the art OPTOS Ultra Wide Field retina imaging allows Dr. Leberer to take an in-depth, rapid speed picture of your eyes to ensure that everything looks healthy. The best part is, this doesn’t require dilation. Dr. Leberer reviews each image, ensuring that your eyes are as healthy as can be, with solutions in case they aren’t. Book an appointment with Dr. Leberer today.
Your vision changes as you change.
Lots of people wait years between exams. Like the rest of their body, their vision changes. They get used to having poor vision. Dr. Leberer understands this, and doesn’t judge. He’s glad to help and encourages them not to tolerate poor vision.

About Dr. Ian Leberer
Dr. Leberer loves eyes. Really, he loves taking vision that’s good and making it much, much better. Which happens more than you think. He also loves his wife, their daughter, and their identical twin boys. He’s into playing hockey, skiing, boating, and golfing.
He wears eyeglasses, contacts, and sunglasses that are customized to help him do his favorite things comfortably, clearly, and feel like himself while he’s at it.